Holmes Law Group

PAGA (Private Attorneys General Act) Actions

PAGA Representation at the Holmes Law Group

Every day, numerous California employers mistreat their employees. This mistreatment can take several forms, including everything from health and safety code violations to the failure to pay employees on time. No matter how you’ve been harmed, it is imperative that you hold the responsible party accountable. The Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) equips you with the legal means to accomplish this end.

If you are interested in filing a PAGA, it is in your best interest to get in touch with Jeff Holmes. A trusted employment lawyer, he will guide you through the complications of this process and help you secure the remuneration you deserve.

What is PAGA?

Enacted in 2004, the Private Attorneys General Act is designed to help private citizens hold employers in violation of California’s labor laws accountable. PAGA allows California citizens to act on behalf of the state’s Labor & Workforce Development Agency (LWDA). Private citizens must provide formal notice and act in accordance with stipulated waiting procedures. Ensuing civil penalties are split between the LWDA and the citizen acting on behalf of the LWDA. The LWDA receives 75 percent of the penalties, and the individual who filed the suit — and the other employees who suffered as a result of the violation — receive the remaining 25 percent.

Types of Violations Covered Under PAGA

Private citizens can target employers for engaging in a wide array of violations. These are typically classified as serious labor code violations, health and safety violations, and other violations. Serious violations may include:

  • Retaliation for lawful behavior outside the workplace setting
  • Illegal withholdings or deductions
  • Failure to pay for agreed upon benefits
  • Lack of proper meal breaks
  • Discrimination against employees who disclose wage violations or unsafe work conditions
  • Issuing of payroll checks with insufficient funds

Jeff Holmes: Trusted PAGA Lawyer

If you have been treated poorly on the job, you may be eligible to act on behalf of the LWDA. If your suit ends with a favorable outcome, you and your fellow employees could receive compensation for your suffering. Your likelihood of obtaining this remuneration will be far greater if you work with a trusted employment lawyer such as Jeff Holmes. Get in touch with the Holmes Law Group today to learn more about the Private Attorneys General Act and your options as a private citizen and aggrieved employee.